Meagan’s Middle Earth Baby Shower
This post should have gone up in May, but hey, read my last post to find out why it didn’t.
We put a lot of effort into making this baby shower special for Meagan and those who attended, and honestly, for us as well. Was it stressful? Yeah, of course. Events are always stressful for me, but they are fun, too. And I had a blast putting this one together.
Most of the party decorations buy ready made, when they look nice, are too expensive. Or then the store bought stuff is just plain tacky. Sometimes what you really want doesn’t exist. So we made our own.
Meagan and Rob like fantasy. They each have their own preference, because let’s face it, fantasy encompasses multiple, very different tastes. But they settled on a Hobbit/Lord of the Rings nursery theme, so we organized a Middle Earth shower.
Some of the stress, for me, came in boiling things down. I had so many different ideas of how to go. I found these really cool travel posters for Middle Earth that an artist had designed, which was one direction I’d considered. And if I ever plan another Middle Earth type of party, I may still go that way as long as I can get a hold of the posters.
We decided to go in a different direction. Here’s what we settled on.

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