Welcome to my little corner.

Do you feel you were born in the wrong era? Do you long for simpler times? Me too! Grab a cup of…something (I’m having coffee)…and travel back with me to a time when people’s daily lives looked different, but they faced the same core struggles we do today. I want my stories to point you to God, offer you a slice of hope, and entertain you along the way. 

I am foremost a follower of Christ. I am also a wife to a minister of God, mother to two beautiful daughters and a handsome son-in-law, grandmother to an amazing baby boy, an author, history buff, hopeless romantic, and crafter. As a creative person I strive to use whatever creative gift I am employing to bring glory and honor to my King. But my end all creative love is writing.

I have one published book under my belt, and several manuscripts I’m seeking to have published. I’d like to offer you a download copy of my first book, Shadow of the Wolf, for signing up for my newsletter. I’m in the process of getting it formatted into a good-looking, downloadable document. Feel free to come back later when I have it ready, or you can sign up for my newsletter now and be among the first to know once Shadow of the Wolf is ready to go.

Thank you so much for your interest and your support.

If you’d like more information about Shadow of the Wolf, click here.

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